Hola a tod@s!

Como cada año en Zagreb se celebra el simposium internacional del sistema verbotonal, este año en su octava edición que lleva por nombre ACTUALITY OF GUBERINA´S THOUGT IN THE CENTURY OF MIND,  y que se celebrará del 22 al 25 de Mayo de 2013 en Zagreb.
nos reprsentaran Patricia López y Noelia Cebrian, Presidenta y Vocal de nuestra AEV respectivamente.

Como anuncio y anticipo de su intervención, os dejamos el abstract de sus respectivas ponencias.
Os iremos contando como va todo.

CASE STUDY, cochlear implant and HYPERACTIVITY  from a VERBOTONALIST perspective.

Even today, after many years, the thoughts and teachings of Professor Guberina are highly topical in working with deaf children.
In Spanish society, where immigration is prominent in education, many children come from their origin countries having not received the necessary attention to alleviate their difficulties. Apart from that, if there is a diagnosis added late in attention disorders and hyperactivity, the result in the expectations will be negative for sure.
This is the case of Hector, a nine year old child born in Equatorial Guinea who thanks to his effort, his families and every verbotonal professional from the ‘La Purisima of Zaragoza’ school has achieved to turn all those bad expectations. It will be seen in a detailed way as each of the verbotonal procedures has helped one way or another, the pupil global development. 
The verbotonal Method has given, in this case, very useful tools such as affectivity, comprehensiveness, spatiality, corporeality, SUVAG and vibration devices use, phonic antagonisms, prosodic and rhythmic work, the graphics, the audiovisual work, Verbotonal class …
This will encourage the development of Hector and other children with similar characteristics.

Noelia Cebrian Marta

The Spanish Association verbotonal, today and tomorrow
Patricia Lopez and Marivi Calvo

Since 2002, the Spanish Association verbotonal chaired by Marivi Calvo and his team of the Colegio de la Purisima de Zaragoza has gained new impetus. Indeed, at a time when the method verbotonal was hardly present in the formative curriculum, new training requests were made by young therapists who had heard about this method but did not know where to go for information and training course.
The Spanish Association verbotonal has responded to these requests on the one hand with the translation of Retrospection by Professor Julio Murillo, the presentation of the book of Karlo Gajic «deafness and communication» , the celebration of the International Symposium verbotonal in collaboration with the Department of French philology from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 2009 with the publication of its conference proceedings «sound and speech perception» and secondly with training course at the Colegio de la Purisima de Zaragoza, introductory courses, training  course and specialization course. The will of the Spanish Association verbotonal in the near future is to build as a point of reference in Spain of verbotonal documentation, of training course, research and production of educational materials to give again at the method verbotonal the real prominence and his real value in areas of the pathology of hearing and speech which he was entitled.

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